Lecture 01 |
Psychology notes
Lecture 01
Who is good teacher? Does a teacher psychologist to know their students?
Four characteristics of good teacher
Knows his students
(strength and weaknesses)
How do student learn?
To motivate students
To assess students
(dissolve conflicts b/w teacher and sts about assessment is meeting and
explanation about assessment process)
Self-regulation in teaching (teacher assess students and himself,
Reflective teacher)
Seven elements/characteristics of a good teacher
Knows his subject
Knows teaching strategies
(appropriate; fit for topic)
Knows particular ways of
Knows cultural background
of students
Knows about setting of
Knows about an individual,
dyad (pair), and group situation
Knows the goal and purpose
of leadership
Are leaders born or made? Ans: Researches shows Leaders are made.
Self-management (knows oneself, manage oneself and improve for
Goal setting is important
for self-management
Monitoring and evaluating
Rewarding yourself
Fringe (added) benefits of self-regulation
Keep track of your progress
Students must give/receive
Students must keep accurate
record of achievements and efforts
What are the efforts of
self-regulated and non-regulated persons?
Self-regulation maximizes
the input of students
Self-management and Teaching