

Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT)

ICT is an acronym word which stands for the Information communication technology. 

Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT)

In ICT, The letter "I" stands for information which the knowledge, basically there are many sources available to get information or knowledge for example we can acquire the specific amount of knowledge through experiences, by reading books, magazines, newspapers and get much more from printed and soft resources by reading, we can also get information by seeing others or communicating with others, by research, or also by investigations. The instruments like telephone, smartphones, radio, televisions, live broadcast, printed material or websites these all instruments known as resources which are helpful for us to spread or transmit the information.

The letter "C" stands for communication. The word communication derived from the Latin word "COMMUNIS" which means the common experiences. Communication is the process through which we receive and disseminate the particular information on particular topic. The act of transmitting the messages is known as communication, in this process the information can be exchanged between individuals by using, verbal interactions, symbols or signs. 

The letter "T" stands for the technology. Technology is known as the use of scientific knowledge, resources or experiences to practical. it can fulfill the human needs. It plays vital role in the communication. 

Basically ICT is the use of hardware and software. The most common and well known example of ICT is known as computer, which is the combination of hardware and software. The word computer is also an acronym which stands for the “commonly operating machine particularly used for technical, educational and research". The word computer is derived from the Latin word "COMPUTARE" which means to count, to compute, or to think together.

Computer is an electronic device, it accepts the (input) data from the user, process on the data (meaningless items) and convert it into information (meaningful items), and manipulate that information to the user in the form of output. Computer uses operating system, it is a system software which provides the environment or we can say that platform to the user as he/she can easily communicate with computer.

Computer can only understand the binary language when computer processing it performs the basic task or responsibility of itself, such as convert data (meaningless) binary numeric values in to information (meaningful) numeric values. Binary language or binary number system is also known as the base 2 number system, this number system is invented by the Gottfried Leibinz, where numeric values represented by the combinations of 0(off) and 1(on). The word binary split in two parts one part is “BI” which means “TWO” and the other part is “NARY” which means “NUMBERS”. These two numbers are 0 and 1, 0 means off while 1 means on. The most dedicated video is available on the YouTube in which the Youtuber clearly define that how CPU process the data, you can search out his video by these words (CPU and How it processes Data).

Basically the definition of ICT is that “The ICT is an umbrella term which discusses to a number of technological tools and resources, which can be used to create, collect, edit, distribute, store and management of information in various forms from anywhere to anytime.”

The common examples of ICTs are: Laptop, projectors, mobiles, e-book readers such as kindle, mp3 players, tablets, video conferencing, podcasts, and educational software, audio and video CD or DVD. Internet based ICTs are: Email, social sites, blogs, chats etc.

Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Copied from pexels: Pixabay

ICT can be used in various fields, the application areas of ICT are: Education, Agriculture, Transportation, Engineering, Medicine, Banking, Entertainment and security.

Nazish Jamali

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