

Types, classifications and characteristics of education

Education is a process that facilitates the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values ​​, or attitudes. Education is found in different contexts, it can be presented in different forms and it can also vary in content, but the goal is always the same.

Types of education

Although education is a universal concept, formal education can vary from country to country. In addition, each cultural context makes a difference in the way education is conducted. Education can be given in formal and informal ways.

Formal education
It is taught in educational centers and has three salient features: formal education is given in an organized manner, it is given intentionally and it is regularly planned.
Formal education is regulated by law. There is a plan behind the Education Act, under which people are trained professionally. Certificates or diplomas or various degrees are awarded after going through various stages.

Non-formal education
It is a form of education that is intentional and systematic, but it is outside the formal realm. Therefore, there is no law and it is not regulated by the government sector. It can be identified by the certificate, but it has no professional value. Non-formal education is for life. 
It is given in the social field instead of in educational institutions, for example, when parents teach their child values. This is the thing that matters most historically. As such, it is a form of education that continues throughout life, even when you are not familiar with it.

Education according to age and level of education

Education that is taught according to age and level of education is called formal education.

Early childhood education


It is not necessary to go to school to get an early childhood education, this education is usually given from two to six years, also known as preschool. Parents can give this education to their children at home, but going to school has many positive effects on their personality and they learn to cope with the outside world from an early age, as well as improve their communication skills. Are

Early education

Elementary education is called primary education in Pakistan, which starts at six and seven years and ends in five years. This education is provided completely free of cost in government schools of Pakistan.

Upper secondary education

Upper secondary education spans a period of two years, at which point students have to choose different professional fields for themselves and what they want to be in the future. Medical, engineering, commerce, accounting, and computer science are prominent academic disciplines, from which students can choose anyone.

Secondary education

According to Pakistan's standard curriculum, there are five levels of secondary education and it is also called the matriculation system.

Cambridge system

Students studying in the private sector, especially those seeking higher education outside Pakistan, choose 'O / A' level education. O-level education is provided from the eighth grade and at this stage, students have to decide whether they want to go for the matriculation system or they have to choose the Cambridge system.

Higher education

This phase represents a high level of vocational training and university education.

Education format

There are many teaching formats, such as online, face-to-face, and mixed.

Online Education (Distance)
Online education has gained success and acceptance in recent years, as it is an easy alternative for those who do not have much time or stay away from where the class is.

Face to face education
Face-to-face education is provided in the classroom and is usually required. This is a form of classical education.

Co-education uses both online and face-to-face formats. Therefore, in addition to face-to-face classes, online activities are also important.

Physical education
Physical activity is also a form of education that focuses on teaching people how, when, and why physical activity is necessary. It usually combines both theoretical aspects (anatomy, duration of sports) with physical and sports practice.

Emotional education
This type of education is associated with emotional intelligence. Emotional education is closely linked to occupational health and productivity. Some aspects of emotional education include emotional self-awareness, emotional regulation and control, and knowing how to recognize the emotions of others.

Education in values
Values ​​education is important not only for coexistence with other people and how we interpret events. The teaching of values ​​also includes moral education.

Intellectual education
The purpose of intellectual education is to help students improve their academic abilities, memory, reasoning and critical thinking. Formal education is based on this type of education.

Social studies
In addition to being an increasingly recognized profession, social studies is also a form of education that encourages social and societal circulation and cultural and societal development.

Special education
Special education is education that is given to people with special needs. People need this education because of a mental, physical or sensory disability.

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